Friday 19 June 2015

No new album soon: Macheso

Alick Macheso
HARARE – Sungura kingpin Alick Macheso says he is in no hurry to release a new album. The Tafadzwa singer, whose last offering was the 2012 album Kwatakabva Mitunhu (Kure Kwekure), told the Daily News in an exclusive interview at his Chitungwiza offices that reports that he would drop his long-awaited album this month were far from the truth.

“I strive for the best, therefore I detest working under unnecessary pressure just to beat the deadlines imposed by other people,” said Macheso.

“The phrase ‘due date’ does not exist in my vocabulary. A sungura musician is different from a bubble-gum artist. Vanhu ngavatipe nguva tinyatsovamonera bhodho racho (Fans should be patient to enable us to deliver a good album).” READ MORE AFTER THE CUT

The popular artiste added that there was no exact date for his next album. “I enjoy taking my time and pace working on my stuff in order to deliver a better product. I believe music is for life. Musicians such as the late Jordan Chataika committed themselves to their work and even today we are still enjoying songs such as Ndipo Patigere Pano released just before independence in 1979,” said the fabled bassist.

Macheso added that despite the misinformed reports that the album was imminent, none of the songs set for the forthcoming album had been recorded yet.

“I love to work without being pushed and for this reason, I usually prefer to record using my own studio which is still to be set up,” said the ex-Khiama Boys bassist.

“So far, I am still to locate where I can establish my state-of-the-art studio. I already have the studio equipment. I like to work in my own studio and at my own pace as compared to booking for sessions and recordings at studios owned by other people,” said Macheso.

“This is also the reason why I do not usually release music videos because they require a lot of time. If one is pushed to release albums and videos, the end result will leave a lot to be desired. Poor music videos in particular can kill fans’ interest in the songs.”

Macheso boasts of nine albums that include Kwatakabva Mitunhu, Ndezvashe-eh, Vapupuri Pupurai, Zvinoda Kutendwa, Zvido Zvenyu Kunyanya, Zvakanaka Zvakadaro, Simbaradzo, Vakiridzo and Magariro.

During the interview, Macheso proudly boasted about being recently blessed with two grandchildren.“Kuchena musoro haizi sitaera but kukura, I wish my grandchildren well in future such that they can also see theirs as well. To have grandchildren means one is blessed and is living in God’s favour,” said the music star. Daily News

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