Thursday 18 June 2015

Video exposes Makandiwa “fake miracle”

Video exposes Makandiwa “fake miracle”
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HARARE – Video footage has emerged that clearly shows popular preacher Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa allegedly faking a weight loss miracle during a Passover Night meeting in April 2015. 

Makandiwa’s United Family International Church (UFIC) posted a video on their You Tube channel purportedly showing the charismatic preacher reducing the belly size of one of his female parishioners who was wearing a red dress. READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO BELOW

But diligent video analysis done and subsequently re-posted by online UK based site ZimEye clearly shows a member of Makandiwa’s church pulling a string behind the woman’s back.

The video proves without doubt that the woman was wearing a balloon inside her clothes around her waist and the string was being used to deflate the balloon and make it appear her belly size was reducing when in fact nothing of the sort was happening.

UFIC’s own cameras inadvertently showed a female church worker stood behind the “patient” and deflated a balloon stashed inside her dress. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW

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