Thursday 23 July 2015

Harare begins demolition of ‘illegal’ structures

A Harare City Council front-end loader destroys an illegal brick-under-tile house belonging to a Morning Glory Housing Cooperative member in Warren Park D yesterday
Demolitions going on in Harare
HARARE – Thousands of people in the capital will soon be homeless as Harare City Council has embarked on a massive demolition of illegal structures in 19 undesignated settlements that have been identified. 

Council officials claim the demolitions are meant to bring sanity as some structures were being erected without approval from the responsible city departments.

Owners of the demolished structures will foot labour and other costs incurred in pulling down their illegal houses.

The city’s principal communications officer Mr Michael Chideme yesterday confirmed the development, saying at least 19 illegal settlements dotted around Harare would be razed down.

“We have identified all the areas with illegal structures in Harare and we have informed all the people who are on these areas that they should pull down their structures, failure of which council will do it for them,” he said.

“Council is also going to ensure that people whose houses they demolish meet the necessary labour costs involved given that they have been defying a lawful order.”

The city demolished 25 illegal houses in Warren Park and Westlea yesterday, leaving several families homeless.

The houses were built on land belonging to the City of Harare, which had been invaded by Final Hope Co-operative, Josiah Housing Co-operative and Makomborero Housing Co-operative.

Mr Chideme said the occupants proceeded to build houses even after being warned against doing so.

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