Saturday 18 July 2015

I am the best MP: Chinotimba

Kick it - Cde Chinotimba
COMICAL and vocal legislator for Buhera South, Joseph Chinotimba has described Parliament as a kangaroo court where there are a few progressive members like him. 

Defining himself as a “top and very good MP” Chinotimba said all that parliamentarians knew was to make noise, especially because they were politically divided.

“We are not building the nation in Parliament. The Parliament we have now is a Parliament of talking nonsense here and there without building our country.

“Nothing goes on there, always shouting ooh ooh ooh, that is the Parliament which I am observing. I had never been in Parliament before this term, but I have been asking myself whether this was the Parliament they were talking about.

I was very surprised because kumusha (in the rural areas) if we want to build a bridge we come together with MDC and build the bridge,” Chinotimba said.

He added that the divisions between MDC and Zanu PF in Parliament were stalling the country’s progress as the parliamentarians were more concerned about their parties’ ideologies than serving the people.

“If only people have the Chinos kind of understanding, then the country can be built. It seems all the other MPs do not have my thinking of building the nation, what we now have is that when Zanu PF comes up with a good initiative MDC will reject it and if MDC comes up with a good initiative Zanu PF will reject it because each party does not want the other to outshine them.

“So where are we going? It is like we are doing a kangaroo court in Parliament because we are compromising the country’s growth,” he said.

“Now we won’t build the country saying MDC this side Zanu PF that side, we can spend 30 years in Parliament breeding nothing,” Chinotimba said.

Speaking on Zanu PF expulsions and suspensions, Chinotimba said he had managed to bounce back into the party’s leadership.

“I was suspended over the Tsholotsho issue together with other people, now I am here as a member of the (Zanu PF) central committee, I am an MP, a very good MP, according to what I hear from people. I am a top MP. Even in MDC right now there is no one who doesn’t say Chinotimba is a man,” Chinotimba said.

“Those who laugh at me are bigger fools because I build and if you go to my constituency the people love me, I carter for everyone. Those parliamentarians who say I am a fool are bigger fools.

“What are we doing? Are we united to resuscitate the industry, are we united to revive the rail system?, are we united for the vendors to get a living, no we are not !” he said

Source:Weekend Post

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