Friday 24 July 2015

'Welcome home, Mr President': Obama's all smiles as he catches up with long-lost family on official visit to Kenya

Back again: Obama visited Kenya when he was a senator, but has not returned since being elected
President Obama lands in Kenya
President Barack Obama was all smiles on Friday evening as he sat down for dinner with Kenyan relatives on a state visit to the country's capital.

Not long after touching down in Nairobi, Obama was taken to a hotel where he met fellow Obamas including his half-sister and step-grandmother.

Beaming: A happy Barack Obama joined a family dinner with his step-grandmother Mama Sarah, to his left, and half-sister Auma, to his right, at a family meal in Nairobi, Kenya
President Obama and family members in Nairobi
The President was seen smiling at a table between Mama Sarah Obama, whom he calls 'granny', and Auma Obama, who was born to his father's first wife.

Big meeting: Obama went to the meal in Nairobi at the hotel where he was staying soon after landing in the capital

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