Saturday 5 September 2015

Couple have been engaged for 41 YEARS and have 14 grandchildren - but still have no plans to get married

Waiting to tie the knot: Susan Croft is still waiting for boyfriend Bill keena to walk her down the aisle after 41 years
Susan Croft and Bill
When she accepted his proposal, she was an excited teenager - but 41 years later Susan Croft is still waiting for boyfriend Bill keena to walk her down the aisle.

The 58-year-old was given her engagement ring in 1974 and probably expected to be married not long after.

But money woes, four children, 14 grandchildren and life got in the way - and amazingly the loved-up couple are still waiting to tie the knot.

The unorthodox situation is not for lack of devotion as hopeless romantic Bill tells Susan he loves her every single day - an impressive 15,000 times since the pair got engaged. The retired labourer, 60, said: 'Something happened. I suppose we were short of money, we just put the wedding off, the weeks turned into months and time slipped by. 

'Before we knew it the months had slipped into years. The children came along and although we always intended to get married it never happened.  'We talked about it and sat down and planned things but somehow something cropped up and it delayed us.

'It really is incredible when you sit down and realise how the years have flown by. But there's not doubting our love for one another.I love her now more than ever. The couple live in Kendray in Barnsley, South Yorkshire and Susan is a care home worker.Describing her relationship, she said: 'I always wanted a white wedding but I suppose it's a bit late for that now.

'Bill was an absolute gentleman and still is, he proposed and we always intended to get married but the children came alone and we pushed it to the back of our minds.  'I did have an engagement ring but I lost that a few years ago. It doesn't really matter because I have never stopped loving Bill.  

He had to give up his job as a labourer because of his health problems but he's my rock. Bill just takes everything in his stride and every day he tell me that he loves me. 'We are as close today as were were all those years ago when we were just kids,' added Bill, who has had three heart attacks, suffers from COPD and emphysema.

'Susan always wanted a white wedding and it's never happened but what really matters is that we have always loved one another. 

'Every single night before I go to sleep I kiss Susan three times. I don't know why it's three times but it's something I always do and I always will.'
Source: Dailymail

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