Thursday 3 September 2015

Humiliated robber is trapped in a leg lock and begs for ‘Daddy’ after attacking a woman in Brazil

Champion: It turns out Ms Bastos (pictured) is a six-times MMA champion, who has a blue belt in jiu-jitsu
Ms Bastos
A sobbing robber was left begging for his 'Daddy' after attempting to attack a woman - unaware she was a martial arts champion. Would-be mugger Wesley Sousa de Araujo was the one pleading for the police after Monique Bastos took him down with a jiu-jitsu move

Mistake: Wesley Sousa de Araujo begs for mercy as his intended victim Monique Bastos turns the tables on the alleged mugger, taking him down with a jiu-jitsu move before gripping his neck with her legs
Ms Bastos locking the thief between her legs
She then trapped his head in between her legs, locking his neck in a 'lion killer choke' until the cops finally turned up. Araujo and another man had earlier approached Ms Bastos and another woman on a street in Acailandia, western Brazil.

Ms Bastos, who has six professional MMA fights on her record, pounced after the men cornered the women on a motorbike and demanded they hand over their mobile phones.

The fighter, 23, later told how she took Araujo to ground in a 'rear-naked choke' before locking him in a 'triangle choke' for 20 minutes until police arrived. Ms Bastos told Brazil's iG website: 'One of the guys grabbed the mobile phone I was carrying. I could see that they were not armed so I knocked their motorbike down.

'I wasn't afraid. I knew I could immobilise them. 'One of them managed to run away, so I got the motorbike driver with a 'lion killer' and held him in my legs for 20 minutes.' The 'lion killer' is a choke hold in Brazilian jiu-jitsu where the attacker wraps his arm around his opponent's neck, placing the crook of his elbow on his trachea.

In the video filmed on an onlooker's mobile phone, Arauju is heard screaming out for help as Ms Bastos holds him in the lock and applies pressure on his neck. He shouts: 'Daddy, daddy, call the police, daddy. Help Jesus. I swear, it was the first time I've ever done this. Help, Lord, somebody help me.

'Where's my mum?'

Araujo was taken to the local police station, where he denied trying to rob the women, according to reports. 

Source: Dailynews

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