Tuesday 22 September 2015

King Mswati To Wed 18yr Old Girl For 15th Wife

Africa's last absolute monarch King Mswati III is set to increase the number of his wives after confirmation from his palace that he had chosen an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 15th wife.

45-year-old Mswati, famed for his opulent lifestyle, introduced Sindiswa Dlamini at a Reed Dance celebration over the weekend.

Mswati reportedly has a personal fortune of around $200 million and the UN estimates that 70% of his 1.2 million subjects live below the poverty line.

The Swazi King currently has 24 children. His father & predecessor, King Sobhuza II married 70 wives fathering 210 children with them & had more than 1000 grandchildren at the time of his death in 1982.

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