Tuesday 15 December 2015

You should tithe more than 10 Percent says Papa Magaya

Prophet Magaya
Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries Founder and Leader, Prophet Walter Magaya says people should tithe more than 10 percent of their salaries. In a question and answer session with his followers, Magaya said people should give more because God was more important than money.

Qsn: How much should I give to God 10% of my gross or net?
Ans: why should you limit your God to 10%. You must give more than 10% as a sign that God is more important than the money you have. 

You should be able to give without worrying because God is able to cater for you. God is able to lift you up, believe in Him. Do not believe in your efforts but God. If you do not tithe then you do not believe in God.

Qsn: If I receive a prophetic word from a Man of God what should I do for it to come to pass and also will I die before that prophecy comes to pass?
Ans: The bible says that the devil is hovering around looking for whom to devour. 

The devil is out to confuse you so that you lose out on what God has in store for you. If you are told you will receive a house it requires your effort for instance Hannah was toId by Eli that she had received what she wanted she did not go back home and sit but met with her husband and hence she conceived. Your action is vital and yon also need a covering from where you received the prophetic word.
 Qsn: How do I know if I am seeding to the right soil? I tithe and partner and even clean up at my church but I have not seen any results why?
Ans: I have given this teaching several times on Yadah TV. Whoever you are giving to you attract what is behind them. 

You can’t expect someone to give you a million when they do not have it. Only a Prophet has the ability to give what he does not have because he has the power to create. My advice to you is give to an elderly person who can release blessings upon your life or give to an anointed man of God who can release blessings upon your life.

The other thing is everyone has a limit your Pastor might be limited hence he cannot release more that he has to you. If you are going to any church never expert to go beyond that preacher because the preacher will tell you according to his limitation he cannot give you more than he has. 

Having a car or house is not an achievement it is your right an achievement is when you have enough to sustain generations to come. You should be able to feed generations to come. I believe in prosperity because Jesus said thy kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven, we should enjoy riches whilst on earth
Qsn: What is the reason of fasting and how best can I do it?
Ans: Fasting requires you to concentrate and can be done in several ways. One can chose to move away from people as a way of concentrating more on God than people. Others can choose to live on vegetables as a way of fasting it varies from person to person.
Qsn: You prayed for me with a problem of drug addiction and yesterday I slept well without any drugs. So today I was feeling like smoking what should I do now?
Ans: You need more God when you are delivered than when you are not because the devil will fight to pull you back so that you go back to your old ways. You need to stand strong.


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