Tuesday 26 January 2016

Magaya ‘haunting’ new upcoming prophet, appearing in his dreams everynight

Prophet Magaya
A youthful Masvingo prophet claims he is being “spiritually haunted” by founder of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries Prophet Walter Magaya as he is constantly appearing in his dreams.

The Prophet, Isaac Makomichi (20) abandoned Johanne Masowe Wechishanu Apostolic Church where he had served since birth. He was one of the popular prophets in the sect despite his relative youth, to establish a pentecostal ministry called Miracle Healing and Deliverance Ministry (MHD).

Makomichi said he was dying for an opportunity to meet Prophet Magaya and said he still had visions of the PHD leader in his dreams.

“I am dying to meet Prophet Magaya in person. I still have visions of him in my dreams and would welcome any opportunity to meet the man of God,” he added.

Just like Prophet Magaya’s, his followers are also testifying to his prowess of casting out demons and delivering people from their afflictions.

Nicknamed Magaya by his many followers, the ‘man of God’ has turned the heads of many fellow prophets after the establishment of his ministry in September last year.

The former Madzibaba spoke to our source and related how he received a calling in August last year to start his own ministry.

“Sometime in August last year, I had a dream while meeting Pastor Chris who told me that I was a great man of God and a leader. Within that same period, I started to dream about Prophet Walter Magaya telling me the same thing: that I had the potential to be a great prophet,” related Makomichi.

Immediately after the establishment of his ministry in September last year, Prophet Makomichi started performing miracles and delivering worshippers who likened him to his “source of inspiration” Prophet Magaya.

The “man of God” has delivered and healed congregants through manifestation of God’s grace and the Holy Spirit via what he calls the “Holy Shake”.

The sight of frenzied congregants clutching each other and performing the “Holy Shake” can turn many local prophets green with envy as those possessed with demons and evil spirits are delivered.

The “Holy Shake”, is when congregants in the whole church hold their hands together after which they immediately start trembling signalling the manifestation of demons. As they tremble and shake, Prophet Makomichi raises his hands over them, while casting out demons and all sicknesses.

However, Prophet Makomichi’s miracles and healing powers have not gone unnoticed by his former church mates who have seemingly become jealous of his new found powers.

Some members of his former church are believed to be sending threatening texts to the young Prophet originally from Chirumanzu, but now staying in Mucheke suburb.

“In doing God’s work of casting out demons and delivering people of their afflictions I have unwittingly “created” enemies from within my former church. However, I put everything unto God who gave me this talent because this is a calling that I cannot resist and I foresee many souls being saved and delivered,” said Prophet Makomichi.

Prophet Makomichi revealed that he was contemplating approaching the police because some of the messages were frightening.

“I have been receiving threatening messages ordering me to stop the work of God. Some of these messages have threatened me with death and I am now contemplating making a police report.”

He said other messages have threatened to spell doom upon his budding ministry but they were bound to fail as he looks to God as his guide. “No sword turned against me shall prosper.”

Source-B metro

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