Wednesday 17 February 2016

PIC: Meet Shanice who scored 11 As at O'Level

Shanice Makonese
Shanice Makonese (ABOVE) passed her O-levels with flying colours, walking out with As in all of the 11 subjects that she sat for in last year’s exams. Makonese got As in her English, Religious Studies, History, Geography, Ndebele, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Biology, Agriculture, Physical Science and Chemistry exams.

After collecting her results, an elated Makonese said that she was just as surprised by her stellar performance as everyone else. She added that she had found Physical Science to be her most challenging subject.

“I was surprised when I got the results because I didn’t expect to excel in all the subjects particularly Physical Science whose exam I had found particularly hard,” she said.

Makonese, an aspiring pilot, said the secret to her success was thorough preparation. She added that although studying hard was crucial for success, it was also equally important for students to get adequate leisure time.

“There is no big secret behind passing because one just needs to study hard and prepare adequately. I also think you should also get time to play because the pressure can be too much,” she said.

Makonese also attributed her success to the encouragement of her parents and school headmaster.

Source-B metro

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