Monday 30 May 2016

AUDIO:TB Joshua calls Magaya's alleged girlfriend to sweet talk her to drop charges

In a shame of fresh revelations on Magaya’s $ 500 000 adultery lawsuit , the Headboy News has leant that Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN ,popularly known for his Emmanuel TV channel and the murder of over a hundred visitors in his building last year has been involved in serious efforts to cover up for the sins of his son Walter Magaya of PHD Ministires.

This reporter understands that Magaya travelled to Nigeria on a mission to seek support from his father to once again help him cover up for another of his bed hopping gone bad cases.

The man of cloth travelled in the company of his right hand man known as Mr Admire Mango who is notoriously known for his role of covering up all the dirt for Magaya. 
It is understood that the main reason for this trip was to fire fight the issue of Miss Angela Charakupa as she had threatened a lawsuit if dialogue had not been granted as she had requested over a long time. A letter of demand was the delivered to Magaya later in that same week.

On Monday the 23th of May whilst in Nigeria ,Walter Magaya called Angela Charakupa on her cellphone and then handed over the phone to his father Prophet TB Joshua to try and negotiate with Angela to fly to Nigeria all expenses paid by SCOAN. 

This move is exactly the same that was used on Mr Mutashu who was suing Magaya for having an adulterous relationship with his wife two years ago . 

Mr Mutashu was called and travelled to Nigeria where negotiations were done and it was agreed that he was to go back to Zimbabwe and fake a confession that Magaya had not done anything with his wife.This was done during a midweek live service and Mutashu and his wife were compensated.

A source from inside PHD has confirmed that the same approach was used again on a former right hand man only known as Pastor Max when his relations with Magaya turned sour after Max’s wife had revealed evidence to his husband that the man of God(Walter Magaya) had been seriously making se_xual advances towards her. 

The Pastor Max in question is said to have declined the calls from TB Joshua to visit SCOAN for negotiations to cover up for Magaya’s sins. It is alleged Max just walked out of Magaya’s PHD Ministries and wants nothing to do with his former spiritual father.

TB Joshua has been known to be a man who sees but one then questions the level of the prophetic that he has claimed to have if he could not see himself being recorded not once but twice.

We are also in possession of a call recording that was made to the same Angela Charakupa by Mr Mango as he did a follow-up on the calls from TB Joshua on the very same day.A screenshot of a text message from the same Mango to Angela Charakupa was also sent to us.(see below)

Disclaimer: Article culled as is from 263africanews cannot verify the authenticity of the voices in this audio. 

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