Tuesday 24 May 2016

Meet the Zim who became an adult movie star at 18 years

Photo credit - Hmetro
At 18 years of age he had already been recorded having se_x and become one of the youngest po_rn stars to emerge from the mother land but not by choice. Circumstances forced the young lad to swallow the hard situation.

With hope and focus, he shrugged off the controversies to become a young film producer and he is raring to go. H-Metro’s Latwell Nyangu (LN) caught up with the young film producer Tariro Percy Shumba (TS) who opened up on his bitter-sweet fairy-tale.

LN: Tell us about yourself in brief?

TS: Born Tariro Percy Junior Shumba on the 24th of October 1995. I grew up in Chitown. I’m a father to a two-year-old daughter. I’m a model, dancer, songwriter, scriptwriter and actor.
Photo credit - HMetro
LN: Were you born great or it was thrust upon you?

TS: I realised I wanted to be an entertainer when I was 10 and I went on to join drama and poetry clubs in church and school.

LN: How far did that passion push you?

TS: It wasn’t easy to get where I am, my big breakthrough came at 18 when I met Model/Filmmaker Melgin Tafirenyika in Jo’burg.

LN: Tell us your journey, how did you end up in Jo’burg?

TS: The Jozi entertainment has always seemed rosy so as young as I was, I thought if I only get there it would be easy, I would become a star that was how much I believed in my talent.


LN: Where did you get the confidence at such an age to cross to a foreign land?

TS: I am and have always been hungry about this to a point where I am willing to do anything for my career.

LN: Before you went to SA what were you doing and how was life in the motherland?

TS: It was not easy at all, my dad died when I was only eight and I hardly remember his face and my mum remarried so I was jumping from one relative to the other, it was hell and watching South African films, I was like I am way better than that actor so if he made it I will.

Well at one point I became a street kid.

LN: How did you manage the situation after these dramatic events?

TS: By believing I would make it I had the talent, the passion, the looks so just the thought of how I was gonna make it kept me going.

LN: And how did you make a breakthrough in SA?

TS: I met Melgin through social media before he started mentoring me and I realized I had to make it in my motherland first then cross the boarders so I came back. I have always wanted to be a performer.

LN: What else did you do whilst in SA?

TS: I can’t really say some of the things I did in SA but they are things I am not proud of till this day. I had my reasons but I shouldn’t have made some of the choices I made in Jozi.

LN: What made you do such, were you forced?

TS: The circumstances. I was in a country where I knew no one.

LN: It seems, after meeting Tafirenyika you made a break through, how did it go?

TS: Not instantly I was living in the, streets of Jo’burg but I never told him that (laughing) he thought I had a place to stay. He advised me to go back home and start from there. It was true because as soon as I got back I scored my first big MADNESS.

LN: How were you surviving in the streets of Jo’burg?

TS: Washing cars with the only jacket I had brought from home, I even at one point turned to acting po_rn and sell my body to older women coz it was really tough.

LN: Which part of Jo’burg were you in and were you not frightened of ‘scavengers’ in that country?

TS: Frightened (laughing), not at all, have you ever been in such a desperate situation that fear would be a luxury. I was in Kempton Park and Hilbrow and I went there thinking that I could survive.

LN: And from car washing to selling your body, how did that happen?

TS: A friend introduced me and said I could make four times what I was making.

LN: At what age were you and was that not an adventure for you?

TS: Had just turned 18 it was an adventure and although I can’t really disclose the details I don’t think it’s something I would do even if I am placed in the same situation today.

LN: As inexperienced as you were, would you like to share the regrettable moments of the activity?

TS: Lol can’t answer that one.

LN: Are there other young guys who are into the activity to earn a living?

TS: Yes a lot but I think it isn’t a good way of earning a living.

LN: Are there Zimbos or other citizens? Any approximate number of Zimbos?

TS: Can’t answer that one.

LN: How long did you have a dance in that area and how did you move out of it?

TS: Can we focus more on my career.

LN: When did you come back to Zim?

TS: Two years ago.

LN: Upon your return what did you do in terms of film industry?

TS: I had a movie I had been writing I teamed up with a production company Movie Pro and produced it, it wasn’t received that well, then there is my much awaited thriller MONSTER it’s premiering on the 15th of June. I also created the soap opera Gold Diggers we already shooting it stars the likes of Blessing Chimhowa aka Mbudziyadhura, Charles Mzemba and a few familiar faces too. There was a role I had originally wrote for me but I pulled out because I have a lot going on right now so will be working behind the scenes for now but in the near future you will be seeing me and you will like me.

LN: How did you convince veterans like Charles Mzemba, Mbudziyadhura and the likes to be part of your cast?

TS: (laughing) the story is just so amazing even if it was me I would be part of it. The producers too are really convincing they convinced me to leave a role I have been wanting to play so much.

LN: So which parts did you partake in all these projects? Are you the script writer, director or? Tell us more?

TS: I’m the scriptwriter and production manager Raphael Yobe is directing it.

LN: They call you controversial PJ? Tell us about your controversies?

TS: (laughing) I am not that controversial but there are 2 times where they have been incidents concerning me I would call controversial.

LN: Would you like to share those incidents with the world?

TS: Almost everyone knows the first time when I halted the filming of MADNESS, I was ready to throw the whole movie and hard work out the window, the other time was when people found a footage of me, I did years back in Jozi and I was labelled a po_rnstar.

I am dramatic though sometimes and I know that.

LN: And how have you managed to handle some of the sentiments. And tell us the name PJ?

TS: To tell the truth, I am not easy dealing with, I want people to remember PJ the actor not the po_rnstar but it’s something I did when I was young so when I hear it on the road I can hardly do anything but pray and hope that one day it will go away. I was given my father’s name Percy at birth so it was always Percy junior that’s where PJ came from.

LN: But do you regret your past or it was out of desperation?

TS: It was out of desperation and yeah I regret all the things I did back then.

LN: What roles do you enjoy acting?

TS: Villain roles damn I am good at playing bad guy roles they are challenging that’s why I love them.

LN: How would you describe your character on stage and off stage?

TS: Out of stage I’m am this ordinary guy. I am a manservant and I love my job, on stage I take no nonsense from anyone because it was easy to get on that stage.

LN: You a manservant where?

TS: Chisipite.

LN: Are u married?

TS: I’m very single and not searching but I do have a daughter.

LN: At what age did you impregnate?

TS: Hahaha lol 18.

LN: Where you in Zim or outside?

TS: As soon as I got back.

LN: How are you taking the film industry, are you doing it for fun or you taking it as a profession?

TS: As a profession I love making films, I love acting; it’s what I wanna die doing.

LN: Where do you draw your inspiration?

TS: Growing up as an orphan I didn’t receive any attention, to have the world look at me one day and say aah it’s that kid is what always inspires me.

LN: And your journey so far, has it been manna on a silver platter?

TS: There is no such thing; you have to work hard for everything I took Gold Diggers from one producer to the other for the whole year.

LN: And is your future certain? Any hopes of brighter days?

TS: Definitely I see myself in Hollywood but for me Hollywood isn’t even enough.

Gold Diggers will be a turning point for me in the industry. I have high hopes for MONSTER too

LN: When can fans expect your movies?

TS: Monster will be out on June 15 while Gold Diggers not sure yet but will definitely keep the fans updated.

LN: Are you not afraid of stiff competition with the already established artistes in industry?

TS: I believe in my talent, I believe I am the best so am not afraid at all and you know what they say out with the old in with the new (laughing).

LN: Is it wise to fully get attached to this industry or you need a job elsewhere to supplement?

TS: It depends with projects you will be working on.

LN: Words of wisdom to those who go beyond borders in search of greener pastures?

TS: Be patient if you were born to make it, you will definitely make it wherever you might be.

LN: Your parting shot?

TS: Stay Blessed.

Source-H Metro

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