Saturday 14 May 2016

Zimbabweans desperate for my downfall - Wicknell

Businessman Wicknell Chivayo says some people are desperate to see him fall. “I say to you all well tried tati tikupei sando dzenyu ne zvipikiri zvacho nekuti chihuta chekudya ne vana ndaka kupai kare ndikati SORRY…I hope you find in your heart one day to forgive me for being rich….This war surprisingly doesn’t seem to be ending or getting any better. I’m getting sick and tired of talking about the same thing over and over again.

Now they’ve shifted their focus fabricating non existent stories about my partners. Some online publications have gone desperate and gone on to call me a spy or terrorist…. nonsense…my reputation is unassailable and it speaks for itself.This is why I can intimidate you and still win… Reputation is the cornerstone of power…

There is no cutting corners with excellence and I will always be lavish with my money and keep it circulating for generosity is also a sign and a magnet for power…..If you hate me join the club…I know there are weekly meetings held in small corners by hopeless , poverty stricken individuals wishing and waiting for my downfall.

With the greatest respect I really hope you guys are patient till your graves. I’m not perfect and I admit I’ve made mistakes in the past and sometimes I actually wish I was a nicer person but then I always laugh and continue my day. I don’t know where your beef is but personally I think there’s nothing wrong in wanting to get rich

Source : Online

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