Wednesday 6 July 2016

Updates: National Shutdown


09:20 Bulawayo update

Bulawayo heeds shutdown call as most shops in the central business district and high density suburbs are closed.

Commuter omnibus operators have parked their kombis. School children have been sent back home while other schools like St Bernards in Pumula suburb locked its gates.

Choppies shops open, and in some places guarded cops. No heavy police presence as anticipated. Soldiers doing rounds in suburbs.

09:15 Reports from Kwekwe indicate the town has come to a standstill as there are no commuter omnibuses. Those that commute from the town to work in Gweru are stranded.

In Gweru some shops are closed and business is low. An army water cannon is stationed at a Choppies Supermarket in the CBD, apparently protecting the Vice president Phelekezela Mphokon outlet.

09:00: Armed riot police presence at OK shop at Kamunhu Shopping Centre in Mabvuku.
In Dzivaresekwa there are no people to board a few kombis available while armed police officer with rifles are patrolling the areas

08:45: Harare is so far in a virtual stand-still with Zimbabweans heeding a call by pro-democracy activists to stay-away in a bid to force President Robert Mugabe to find solution to the country’s problems or better still for him and his Zanu PF government to resign enmasse.

A general survey by NewsDay journalists around Harare revealed that most shops and industries were closed as many people stayed home.


In Harare’s High density suburbs such as Glen Norah, Mufakose, Machipisa and Mabvuku there is a heavy police presence, shops are closed and virtually no public transport.

The situation is the same in the dormitory town of Chitungwiza with most businesses closed.

However more telling for Mugabe and his administration is the fact that the informal sector a haven for Zanu PF activists has also heeded the call. Market stalls across the city are virtually empty with Mabare’s Siyaso, Magaba and Mupedzanhamo also closed.

Zimbabwe share how they are experiencing the #ShutdownZim


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