Tuesday 13 September 2016

I have Goblins for hire or sale costing $1000 renowned traditional healer

Pic Credit Iharare.com
Aged 103, he claims to have seen it all in his life as a n’anga (traditional healer) and now brags about having amassed powers to heal, make people rich and even to curse. 

Boroma Zefa Timanimoto, who resides in Nyanga North in Manicaland province but is of Mozambican descent, even claims to be the godfather of many popular prophets in Zimbabwe who occasionally visit him for consultation and power.

Timanimoto said he even has some goblins for sale or hire with a goblin costing as much as $1000. He says his gift and ability to ‘kill’, ‘bless’ or curse was part of his children’s inheritance package which he was imparting on them.

“This is not a joke, it’s a reality. I have goblins for hire, you come you tell me what kind of goblins you want we agree and I will give you. People do come with different requests and I give them what they would have requested. 

It’s like a shop, people come and buy whatever they want, what they do with the product I would have supplied is none of my business,” he said. But he warned that those who come to home and request powers to get rich but never comeback to thank him or pay back would be cursed.

“I do have the power to make a person rich but obviously I need some payment. If a person comes and receive powers from me, he she should remember to pay back, failure of which you will be cursed. I have the power to curse or kill,” he claimed.

Born and bred in Kadoma, before he later relocated to Nyanga, Timanimoto said he has been a traditional healer since 1960 and was now popular with people from all walks of life visiting him for assistance. He said he sometimes operates in Chitungwiza at a relative’s house.

“I was born in Kadoma but originally we are from Migali, Mozambique, I started practicing in 1960. At first I was taken ill and fell blind for a year when my family later organized a traditional ceremony where it was then revealed that the ancestors wanted me to be a traditional healer,” he said, who had an assortment of traditional herbs around him. 

Timmanimoto said his name when loosely translated means one who douses out fire and like his name, he can deal with almost all kinds of problems. He said he can also help person facing murder charges in a court of law to escape jail as well as assist job seekers.

“If a person commits a crime even the crime of murder, I can help him or her escape jail and on this one I have helped many. There are some who come to get assistance even to get jobs or strike gold,” he said. 

He claims to have an array of goblins for sale. “Goblins have different price tags. It depends on the type of goblin you want. I have goblins that I sell for as much as $1000 I also have some for about $200. I also have clients who have given me vehicles and some livestock in exchange for goblins,” he said.

Source-H Metro

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