Wednesday 14 September 2016

Teenager tells of the horror of being drugged, raped and indecently photographed by her own FATHER

Miss Burt hopes sharing her story will encourage other victims of sex abuse to come forward

A teenager has told of the horror of being drugged and raped by her own father - who chillingly referred to her as 'my wife'.

Miss Burt's depraved father started the abuse by feeding Emma cannabis joints, and sexually abusing her as she passed out
The father
Emma Burt, 19, suffered two years of hell at the hands of her biological father Christopher Edwards, 40.

Her twisted father attacked her while she was sleeping, fed her a dangerous cocktail of Class A drugs - which she took to escape the pain - and took indecent photographs of her. 'He used to jokingly call me his wife. I was practically a wife', she said.

Miss Burt, from Powys in Wales, has waived her right to anonymity to speak out after her father was imprisoned for 12 years for rape and four charges of sexual activity with a child family member. 

He was jailed on one charge of possessing an indecent photograph of a child, three charges of taking indecent photographs, as well as supplying her with drugs. 

She hopes that sharing her story will encourage other victims of sexual abuse to come forward. Miss Burt had gone to live with her abusive father in December 2012, aged 15, after an argument with her mother with whom she had a rocky relationship.

The abuse started within a month of her moving in and he started to attack her on a daily basis. He started feeding her cannabis and then hard drugs to 'keep me under the thumb'. 

Recalling her horrific ordeal, Miss Burt, who is now 19, said: 'In the first two months of his abusing me, he would never talk about how he raped me.

'He just would sort of wait until I was asleep or close to sleeping, then the drugs came into it from about three months onwards. Read more here

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