Tuesday 4 October 2016

Court orders release of Nigerian ex-security adviser

Image result for dasuki

A regional court has ruled that Nigeria's ex-national security adviser, who has been held since December for alleged fraud, should be released, reports Reuters news agency.

Sambo Dasuki was accused of illegally transferring $50m (£39m) from the national security budget to fund election campaigns for members of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan's party.

He was also accused of awarding "ghost contracts" to buy 12 helicopters and four fighter jets which never materialised.

He has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and says they are politically motivated.

A judge at the court of the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) ruled that his detention was unlawful and arbitrary, Reuters reports. 

The judge also ordered the government to pay Mr Dasuki $47,000 in compensation for his arrest and detention. 

It is unclear whether the government will abide by the verdict. 

Sovereign states do not have to accept the court's rulings and there is no framework for making them binding, Reuters says.

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