Friday 21 October 2016

Gonyeti gets weekend gig at La Rouge

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Popular dancer, Gonyeti has a new gig in Harare, a Friday night slot at La Rouge in Westgate.

“I have always loved taking risks in my career and music like any other profession is all about taking risks. I relocated from Victoria Falls to Harare to enhance my career and I think I am simply doing what I love most.

“I have just clinched a deal with management at La Rouge in Westgate where I will be playing on Fridays starting tonight and I just feel humbled with the honour. 

I have been to the venue as a patron before and I am glad I will be returning there as an entertainer. This honour has come at a time when the festive season is just by the corner and I hope to impress and command this slot.

“Currently, I have a number of midweek slots and this one which falls on a Friday is a bit special since I have been afforded a chance to usher merry-makers into a brand new weekend on song and dance,” said Gonyeti.

Source: Online

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