Friday 7 October 2016

LATEST: Obadiah Msindo sentenced to 90 days in jail

THE High Court has slapped Destiny for Afrika Network leader Reverend Obadiah Musindo with a 90 day civil imprisonment sentence for defying a court order to pay a debt of more than $10 000 to prominent Bulawayo modelling agency owner, Ms Sipho Mazibuko.

The debt arose in 2012 when Rev Musindo asked Strides Models pageant run by Ms Mazibuko to assist with scouting for beautiful models that were going to take part in the Miss Carnival pageant that year on behalf of the cleric’s company.

Bulawayo High Court judge Justice Martin Makonese yesterday ordered Rev Musindo to pay Ms Mazibuko $500 per month starting on October 31 until the debt together with the costs of the suit are fully paid, failure of which he would be imprisoned for 90 days.

Justice Makonese’s ruling follows an application for civil imprisonment by Ms Mazibuko through her lawyers, Job Sibanda and Associates, citing Rev Musindo and Destiny for Afrika Network as the defendants.

“It is hereby ordered that a decree of 90 days civil imprisonment is issued against the defendant suspended on condition that the defendant pays $500 per month with effect from October 31, 2016 and thereafter by the last day of each succeeding month until the entire debt of $10 135 together with costs is paid in full,” ruled the judge.

In February 2014, in a judgment passed in default by the late Bulawayo High Court judge Justice Andrew Mutema, Rev Musindo was ordered to pay Strides Models $10 135.

According to the summons filed at the Bulawayo High Court under case number HC 1903, Ms Mazibuko claimed $10 135 in respect of chaperoning services, hire of models, attending to photo shoots and provision of modelling garments for a modelling event held in Harare in May 2012 at the defendant’s specific request.

Ms Mazibuko sought an order directing Rev Musindo to pay her the money with an interest rate of five percent per annum from August 2013 to the date of final payment.

“You are required to pay this sum by virtue of a judgment obtained against you in the High Court at Bulawayo on February 11, 2014, under which you were ordered to pay the costs of that case,” reads part of the summons.

“The job for my agency was to scout for models, designers as well as to get the girls to Harare for the national auditions. I took 13 girls to Harare but only two were successful.”

Ms Mazibuko made her name during her days as director of the now defunct Miss Rural pageant.

Source: Chronicle

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