Sunday 23 October 2016

THE late Apostle Charles Chiriseri was buried yesterday in Bulawayo. His widow, Pastor Petunia Chiriseri gave an emotionally charged address at the funeral service.

Apostle Chiriseri (59) died a month ago in an accident that happed along the Harare-Bulawayo Road near Mbembesi. His burial was delayed to give his wife Pastor Petunia Chiriseri, also a member of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, time to recover.

She said : “My husband is the best man in the world. I can say that. He married me a vi.rgin and he was also a vir.gin and none of us ever broken our vows. I am broken inside. But will take each day as it comes.”

 “In one of our last conversations he spoke at length about the Chiriseri family. How he wanted the family to be united. After passing Gweru we didn’t speak much but he spoke about the church and was excited about the new breed of leaders. Around about 9:30, he saw animals on the road. 

Tried to swerve off the road and when he decided to come back on the road, I just remember thinking “We are in an accident.

All I know next is there were people looking for me in the bush. So it’s a miracle that I am here. I heard them say, ‘Ah omunye wakhona nangu. Omunye wakhona usaphila.’

That was the announcement of my husband’s death to me. When the ambulance was taking me away, leaving my husband trapped in the car that was the worst moment of my life.

Source: Online

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