Tuesday 8 November 2016

'I was already a millionaire before i joined Politics' - Minister Kasukuwere

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Zanu PF Political Commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere has boasted that he was already a millionaire when came into politics.

“I came to politics when I was already a millionaire and I have not taken anything from the party and the government. I will face my accusers head-on. Let those who are saying and writing what they want do so. But be warned, I am ready for you.

Kasukuwere also accused his foes of using the land issue and abusing State institutions to fight him.

He also claimed that he was being persecuted for blocking some unnamed Zanu PF bigwigs from “their usual practice of taking land belonging to the State and selling it illegally”.

“There are those who don’t want to see order in Harare because they have been stealing from the people. They must go to hell because we are not going to be intimidated.

“Now they are using State institutions such as the police and Zacc (the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission) to fight a political war. But we know what you are up to. I am in politics for life, not for the short term. This is our game.

“You hear someone saying Kasukuwere stole land when we know they are the biggest thieves. Get away! We are not afraid of you.

“But don’t worry about us. We are political animals. We know some of them are civil servants who have taken to writing newspaper stories. Let them be warned that they have no role in politics. They must write media statements and if they have nothing to write, they must sing.

“They think we are easy targets but politics is rough. We are tough tacklers as well and when the time comes we will be tackling each other nicely,” he said to applause at a rally in Epworth.

Kasukuwere also suggested that Mnangagwa’s allies had sabotaged Zanu PF in the Norton by-election which was stunningly won by independent candidate Temba Mliswa.

“They (Team Lacoste) did what they did in Norton vachirovera bhora musango (they sabotaged Zanu PF), only to blame me saying I rigged the primary elections. How is that so?

“I am a national political commissar and how do I interfere with the selection of candidates? People made their choice and you sabotaged them and we are aware of that,” he said.

Source: Online

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