Tuesday 8 November 2016

Morgan Tsvangirai gives his candid views about #thisflag

The bubble has burst for This Flag movement, according to MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai.

“Of course #ThisFlag has caught up the imagination of the young digital generation, but unfortunately it’s a bubble that has burst, because the champions have disappeared, they don’t want to take the risk. Some of us have been on the forefront, and we have taken the risk against this regime, and these young people do not want to take the risk, and it’s very disappointing,” he told Simon Allison of the Daily Maverick.

But he said only organised opposition can take on Mugabe. “The state is fragmented. Zanu PF is fragmented. The centre is not holding. The opposition and social movements have been emboldened by the actions they have taken; they are in a more aggressive position, which is good.

“There is also international isolation and the continued demand by the international community to put conditions on the Mugabe government to be rescued from their own economic situation. It’s a fantastic combination. There’s a convergence.

Source: Online

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