Tuesday 22 November 2016

Parliamentarians quiz ZESA boss on lack of progress at Gwanda Solar project awarded to Wicknell Chivayo

Image result for wicknell chivayo

PARLIAMENTARIANS have quizzed Zesa Holdings bosses for awarding a “known criminal” Wicknell Chivayo a tender to construct a solar power plant in Gwanda amid revelations that $1, 8 million cannot be accounted for.

Youthful businessman Chivayo, China Jiangxi Corporation (CJC) and ZTE Corporation were each granted the tender to construct the 100-megawatt capacity solar power plants worth $183 million in March 2014 by Zesa, Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC).

Legislator Tafanana Zhou on Monday asked the power utility bosses to comment on progress made by the companies and the amount already disbursed.

Acting managing director Joshua Chirikuutsi told parliament that ZPC effected $5 million advance payment and efforts to get Chivayo to complete the works already paid for have been futile.

“The contract is split into three commencement works and the main EPC works,” said Chifamba.

“We have paid for the first for access roads, fencing and sight establishment and partly the feasibility study. To date, the feasibility study has been done, topographical study also.”

He added: “However, on other works like road construction, installation of the fence, progress has been very slow and worrying.

“Our valuation of the works leaves us with an outstanding amount of $1, 8 million. We had disbursed a total amount of $5, 6 million.

“We are continually in engagement with the supplier; unfortunately, he has not been really forthcoming. We are behind schedule.”

MP Prosper Mutseyami queried the logic behind awarding a known convict such a big tender and without guarantee. “What would have happened for you to deal with such people? Is it political pressure?

“Some of the people you gave the tender have criminal records and now we have this situation which the managing director has clearly stated that there are serious delays and $1, 8 million has not been accounted for,” said Mutseyami.

Zesa Holdings boss Chifamba admitted that the company erred in awarding Chivayo’s Intratek the tender.

“We were looking for the registration, tax compliance and when it’s registered we would expect the registrar of companies to make sure the directors are people of repute.

“That’s where we have now tightened to make sure it is on us to find out whether or not the directors have a criminal record.”

Source-New Zimbabwe

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