Sunday 6 November 2016

Polls Show Hillary Clinton Leading Donald Trump in Election's Final Days

Hillary Clinton
Voters view Clinton as the more qualified candidate.

Latest polls show Hillary Clinton pulling ahead of rival Donald Trump as the 2016 election nears the end.

According to the final national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Clinton holds a four-point lead over Trump, with 44% of support from likely voters in a four-way matchup, while Trump gets 40%. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson has 6%, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein has 2%.

In a two-way contest, Clinton’s lead expands to five points, 48%-43%.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll finds similar results, with Clinton ahead by five points, 48%-43%. It’s Clinton’s best result since Oct. 26, bolstered by voters’ view of the Democratic candidate as being more qualified than Trump to serve as president, according to the poll.


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