Wednesday 16 November 2016

Senior Cop passes red robbot and hits traffic cop trying to stop him

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A SENIOR police officer yesterday appeared at the Mbare Magistrates’ Court facing charges of reckless driving after passing through a red traffic light and hitting a traffic cop, who was trying to stop him.

Inspector Amon Pazvakavambwa (46) was not asked to plead when he appeared before Mbare magistrate, Tafadzwa Miti on summons and was remanded to December 2.

According to the State papers, on August 29 this year at around 7am, police officers identified as Mbeva, Gutusa and Mandizvidza were manning a roadblock along Remembrance Drive in Mbare.

The State alleges Pazvakavambwa approached the roadblock driving a Nissan Sunny vehicle along the same road, due north and while he was at the intersection of Cripps Road and Remembrance Drive, he proceeded against a red traffic light and Mbeva signalled him to stop.

However, the State alleges, Pazvakavambwa refused to comply with the instruction and continued driving and swerved towards Gutusa, hitting him with his vehicle.

As a result of the impact, it is alleged, Gutusa was thrown into the air and landed on the windscreen, sustaining injuries on the left palm and on the left leg, while Pazvakavambwa’s vehicle sustained a dent on the bonnet and a shattered windscreen.

It is the State’s contention that Pazvakavambwa was reckless by not stopping at the red traffic light and failed to stop when an accident seemed imminent.

Fanuel Madanhire appeared for the State.


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