Saturday 10 December 2016

15 year old boy poisons entire family after argument with father

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A 15-year-old boy from Bulawayo’s Douglasdale suburb attempted to kill his entire family by poisoning food after his father reprimanded him for absconding school.

The boy who cannot be named for ethical reasons allegedly lost his cool and laced the soup which his mother left boiling with termic poison as a way of venting his anger and was spotted by his sister while in action.

The boy’s sister saw him opening the pot with boiling soup which was to be served to everyone in the house and allegedly poured the deadly substance.

After the wicked act, the boy made good his escape. The boy’s mother told the public prosecutor that when she tasted for salt something was amiss in the soup.

“When I tasted for salt the soup tasted bitter and it had a strong smell prompting me to invite my husband to have a taste too,” she said. The boy was dragged to court facing a charge of attempted murder but it was withdrawn before plea.

In her affidavit the boy’s mother stated that she was withdrawing the matter against her son. 

“I’m withdrawing the matter against my child because I have realized that my child was angry and he was not in his right state of mind because of the tattoos pierced all over his body. When I reported him I wanted the police to locate him since he had disappeared,” she said.

It is the state’s case that on November 17, the boy spent the whole day hiding in one of the rooms and was noticed by a visitor around 1pm who notified his mother. The boy’s mother interrogated him on why he was absent from school. He revealed that he did not go to school and that he spent the day hiding in the room. This angered his father who slapped him twice on the cheek.

The boy went to the kitchen, opened the pot which had the soup. His sister spotted him and asked him what he was up to and he told her that he was hungry. She prepared tea for him and realized that his brother had already poisoned the food.

Source-B Metro

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