Wednesday 7 December 2016

Elias Musakwa released from Remand Prison

YESTERYEAR gospel musician, Elias Musakwa, was yesterday removed from remand by a Harare magistrate after the State failed, for the third consecutive time, to provide him with a trial date.

Musakwa’s removal from remand followed an application by prosecutor Nyikadzino Machingura, who sought another postponement, saying his key witness in the matter, Kennedy Mudukuti, had eye problems and had been recommended a five-day rest.

Musakwa was facing threats of future violence charges after he allegedly threatened Mudukuti, who had reported him to the police for criminal nuisance.

Musakwa contested the State’s decision to postpone the matter, saying he was ready for trial and magistrate Arnold Maburo dismissed the State’s application and ruled in the musician’s favour.

The court said the State could proceed by way of summons as and when it would be ready for trial.

Allegations against Musakwa were that sometime in September this year, he was cautioned by the police for criminal nuisance after Mudukuti reported him at Ruwa Police Station, accusing him of causing a lot of noise.

The State alleges the report did not go down well with Musakwa, who, on October 19, approached Mudukuti and threatened to kill him with a gun if he continued calling the police to stop his functions.

The threats allegedly caused Mudukuti discomfort and he then reported the matter to the police, leading to Musakwa’s arrest.

Source: Newsday

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