Thursday 1 December 2016

President Mugabe should step down like the late President Castro did - EFF leader Malema

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Economic Freedom Fighters leader, Julius Malema, says President Mugabe has had his time and must step down.

“We like President Mugabe … But we now need a new leader. Like Castro, he must hand over power to other people,” he said tat an event  in Soweto to remember the late former Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

The EFF leader also said honouring Castro means that, “We must take the land in order to resolve the problem of inequality in South Africa. That’s the only way you can honour Fidel. We do not owe anyone an explanation. Stop being cowards and take your land.”

 Malema said that, like Castro, they were not fighting against anyone but were asking that the land be peacefully returned to its rightful owners. He also called for a rejection of American ideals and called for an embrace of socialist ideals. 

Malema asked his supporters to steer off suggestions that Castro or late Former Egyptian President Muammar Gaddafi were dictators, and remind their detractors that Margaret Thatcher and the long list of American Presidents were murderers because they had all gone to war and hurt innocent souls.

Source: Online

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