Wednesday 18 March 2015

Kenyan ivory trafficking suspect released on bail

A Kenyan court has released on bail a suspected ivory trafficking kingpin months after Interpol agents arrested him in Tanzania.

Feisal Ali Mohammed is facing charges of being in possession of elephant tusks. The Kenyan businessman was released on medical grounds after defence lawyers said he needed specialised medical attention for diabetes.

Ali Mohammed was released on 10 million Shillings (R1 million) bail, with the magistrate saying he did not believe the man labelled by Interpol as an “environment criminal” was a flight risk.

He was arrested in Tanzania in December last year. The arrest came months after police seized 228 complete elephant tusks and 74 ivory pieces weighing more than two tonnes at a warehouse in June Last year.

Police in Kenya say he escaped a police dragnet - during an operation where two of his alleged accomplices were arrested. Conservationists have been angered by the decision to grant him bail. SABC News 

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