Friday, 11 September 2015

It never rains but Pours for Bill Cosby as another woman comes out

Bill Cosby
If you, for whatever reason, thought that the Bill Cosby Travesty had come to a close -- or at least a less-upsetting respite -- then you were wrong, friends ... because yet another one of Cosby's purported victims has come forward and has one of the most disturbing recollections to date.  

In a soon-to-air interview with Dr. Phil, a woman by the name of Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer -- who met Cosby on a movie set in '71 -- gave us one of the most horrific doses of upset stomach we've ever had. 

About her purported encounter, Whitedeer claims, "I had just started out as an actress and Cosby met me, so I followed him down a corridor. He opened the door, and there was this chair and it was just right in the doorway, like out of place. 

And I thought he was going to move it out of the way. Instead, he said, ‘Have a seat.’ And he seemed to be in a hurry. I never got to move because his hand came around to the back of my head and as I looked up, he was exposing his genitals and he was right in my face.” 

She continues, “I don’t want to get graphic, but you know when you’re shocked you open your mouth a little bit. And that was my mistake. And then he just made this horrible mess all over me. And the hardest part was he gloated over my humiliation. 

And he reached into his pocket. He had, like, a big wad of Kleenex and he started cleaning me up. He was dabbing at me and by this time, I’ve closed my eyes because I really think I’m going to faint, and he said, ‘I’ve blessed you now. You know you’ve been blessed.’”

Horrifying, right? And what's even more horrifying is that Whitedeer says that she never told a soul about the alleged encounter -- that she had to live with this idea for decades upon decades, watching her purported attacker become more and more famous, and more and more endeared to the public that made him a superstar. 

Source: fishwrapper

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