Tuesday 8 September 2015

Peter Moyo apologises to Alick Macheso

Peter Moyo
Peter Moyo has apologised for ‘belittling’ Sungura Ace, Alick Macheso.

The 26-year-old, who released his second album titles Mabasa aMwari last weekend, publicly apologised during a family show held at Extra Mile Leisure Sot where he brought his entire team and handlers to bare his soul.

He also gave Macheso a copy of his latest CD, which the Sungura king vowed to keep as a souvenir, claiming he had already purchased two original copies.

Like a true father figure, Macheso then embraced the remorseful Peter and they hugged and chatted. “Ndauya kuzopa mudhara CD iriri, chokwadi mukuru mukuru uye hazvichinji,” said the Utakataka Boss in his Karanga accent.

“Some of the bad stuff, which people think I might have said about Macheso are not true at all. I only read them in the press and Macheso remains my father, ” he added before joining Macheso on the stage.

Utakataka Express advisor, Musa Vanhuvakuru, who accompanied Peter on stage along with Band Manager, Sukokluhle Dube and Monica ‘Cele’ Chikasha, said he ‘brokered’ the ‘pact’ after realising that the youngster had issued ‘reckless’ statements.

“It was not healthy at all to just launch a scathing attack on someone like Macheso, unprovoked. Like any other industry, people will always need each other and it was just uncalled for, for him to attack elders,” said Musa, who also doubles a s a Police Officer

He added, “I am the one who actually advised him to apologise because we don’t want to create unnecessary beef. In fact, we are also learning from him and I believe Peter ha learnt his lesson.

“We also hope that he won’t be reckless in future, especially when talking to the media.”

Macheso, after his performance, praised Peter for ‘coming back to his senses’ adding that he would be there for hi should he ever need his expertise

“You have heard for yourself when he made his apology and I forgave him, mwana ka uyu. As a father, you ought to love and understand your kids,” every family has its own ‘hotheads’ and what is key is to embrace them and shape their future, he said.

Added Macheso, “To err is human and one deserves a second, third or even fourth chance if they make mistakes. I have worked with a number of them(young artists) and I am currently helping Faheem(Somanje) to keep his late father, Daiton Somanje’s legacy alive.

‘They do approach me and I always give them advice and at times I empower them but I don’t brag about it a lot”

Source:iHarare Correspondent

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