Monday 14 September 2015

South African mother is forced to listen to her four young sons having their throats slit by her husband over the phone

Taken too soon Hlogelo, 13
A mother has told of how her life was destroyed when she was allegedly forced to listen to her children having their throats slit on the telephone.

Keneilwe, 10
Keneilwe, 10
Bokang, 6
Bokang ,6 years
Lorraine Kekana, 30, said she had been involved in a domestic dispute with her husband but believed it had been  resolved when he drove off with the children after discussing their problems at the family home in the South African capital Pretoria.

He had apparently said that he was taking them for a small holiday after all the stress, but instead drove them to his home village of Moletlane in north-eastern South Africa's Limpopo Province.

Taken too early: Hlogelo,13, left, and Keneilwe, 10, right, were killed by their father, who took them to his hometown South Africa's Limpopo Province

He then allegedly called his wife to deliver the harrowing words: 'Do you have any final words for your boys before they die?'

Moments later, it's claimed she was forced to listen as their throats were cut open. Helpless to stop him, her she said her life has been utterly destroyed by the terrible tragedy.

Mrs Kekana said: 'I haven't stopped crying, I never thought I would bury all my boys at the same time and all so young.

'Now my house is empty and I am alone. No amount of tears will bring back my children.'

Miss Kekana's husband had called her earlier in the evening and told her he wished he had crashed his car, with the four children inside, into a truck, she claims. 

But even that horrific threat didn't prepare her for the phone call she later received, which shocked her so deeply that she dropped the phone and fainted.  

She added: 'I could not believe what he was saying was true, so I rang a neighbour and she rushed round there and she told me that yes it was true, and all my children were dead.'

Kekana dropped the phone in shock yet again and immediately rang the neighbour back to ask where her husband was.

'I phoned her back to ask where my husband was and she said he’d gone into a room and he had blood on his clothes,' she added. 

Murdered: Bokang, 6, left, and Lekgoledi, 4, were found by police with their throats slit at the house in Moletlane village. Two of the boys were killed inside the living room and the other two in their bedroom

Police were alerted but by the time they arrived it was too late. They found the bodies of the boys: Hlogelo, 13, Keneilwe, 10, Bokang, 6, and Lekgoledi, 4, at the house in Moletlane village.

Two of the boys were killed inside the living room and the other two in their bedroom.

Her husband who had also slit his own throat was still alive and is now recovering in hospital but cannot be named until he officially appears in court.

Limpopo police spokesperson Colonel Ronel Otto said the 36-year-old man was recovering in hospital under police guard.

Otto added: 'As soon as he is well enough, he will appear in court on four counts of murder.' She said her only wish now was that her husband could recover so that she can finally and ask him why.

'I want to know why he killed my children,' she added. The couple had been married since 2009 and she said she could never reconcile with the man she thought she knew.

She said: 'He was cool. Although we had arguments, he never showed signs of aggression.' The man's father, Phineus Kekana, said his son was a churchgoing man and added: 'I also wish him to get well and come back to answer for what he did'.

The government is to help the family with funeral arrangements. Dailymail

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