Tuesday 6 October 2015

Govt tightens screw on mobile operators

The government is tightening screws on mobile operators through the finalisation of the quality of service provisions which will enable customers to get value for their money.

In a bid to ensure that customers get value for their money, POTRAZ is finalising the draft document on service provision for mobile telecommunication firms.

POTRAZ Director General, Engineer Baxton Serewu said the input into the document will close this Wednesday, adding that it will take 60 days to finalise the document.

The Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services, Cde Supa Mandiwanzira said telecommunication companies have been reaping off customers by charging non-existing services.

"We have noted with concern that customers have been paying for data which sometimes is not available and dropping calls have increased but they continue charging customers. The provisions will ensure customers get value for money," he said.

Government has also directed mobile operators to share infrastructure as a way of cutting costs to the end user, a move which stakeholders have commended though telecommunication companies are resisting. ZBC News

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