Sunday 10 January 2016

Methodist reverend up for rape

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A Methodist Church in Zimbabwe reverend was arraigned before the courts this week facing rape charges after he allegedly raped one of his female congregants.

Reverend Gladman Chauya (33) of Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, Mutare Circuit was not asked to plead to the rape charges when he appeared before Mutare senior magistrate, Mrs Sekai Chiundura.

Representing the man of cloth was Mutare lawyer, Mr Justin Fusire as Mr Fletcher Karombe prosecuted.

Allegations were that on January 10, 2015, Chauya visited the complainant who was not feeling well at her place of residence and advised her to accompany him to his residence so that his wife would give her medicine to ease the pain.

 “Upon arrival, the complainant discovered that Chauya’s wife was not at home. Chauya took the medicine and tried to massage the complainant with it, but she refused and asked for a toilet,” said Karombe.

It is alleged that as the complainant was on her way to the toilet, Chauya dragged her into his bedroom and fondled her breasts and private parts before raping her.

The complainant is alleged to have cried for help, but no-one came to her rescue.

The court heard that after the rape, Chauya took her back to her house.

Karombe went on to tell the court that the matter was initially reported to church elders, but was later reported to the police after the elders failed to take any action against Chauya.

Chauya was remanded in custody to January 11, 2016. Manica Post

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