Friday 15 April 2016


A young man working in the army was constantly humiliated because he believed in God. One day the captain wanted to humiliate him before the troops. 

He called the young man and said: – Young man come here, take the key and go and park the Jeep in front. the young man replied: – I cannot drive! 

The captain said: – Well then ask for assistance of your God! Show us that He exist! The young man took the key and walked to the vehicle and began to pray…… …He parked the jeep at the place PERFECTLY well, as the captain wanted. The young man came out of the jeep and saw them all crying. 

They all said together: – We want to serve your God! The young soldier was astonished, and asked what was going on? The CAPTAIN crying opened the hood of the jeep and showed the young man that the car had no engine. 

Then the boy said: See? This is the God I serve, THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBILITY, the God who gives life to what does not exist. You may think there are things still impossible BUT WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 

To the person reading this, I pray the Lord work A SUPER MIRACLE in your life today In the Name of JESUS..

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