Sunday 26 June 2016

Tocky Vibes's latest release shows maturity and versatility

Tocky Vibes was a household name a few years back when he released songs such as mhayi, ndini ndinorira and many others. 

His songs catapulted him to instant stardom. His follow up release was not well received by his multitude of fans which saw his star losing all the glitter that had made him a household name. 

Come 2016, he has just released his latest album 'Tiraburu - Kwatazonke'. After listening to a few songs from the album, you cannot miss his unmistakable voice which made him a household name. His lyrics are catchy and pregnant with meaning.

One thing is clear in his new release, he has sort of departed from main stream dancehall music. The new songs are mature, the beat is good and places him among contemporary musicians. In my opinion, this places Tocky in a different league. Some of his mainstream fans may be alienated from his current offering, however, after carefully listening to the tracks they will be converted.

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