Monday 15 June 2015

MisRed blast Chiwenga and Miss Zim Trust over Kachote sacking

The beauty that replaced TinTin at ZiFm, MisRed (real name Samantha Musa) has slammed Mary Chiwenga and her team saying the way they have handled the Miss Zimbabwe saga is terrible.

The voluptuous socialite exploded, “It is very unfortunate that they act on emotions. 

Emily Kachote will have a tough time getting back, but she will get back on her feet just like the other Miss Zimbabwe who’s “nudes” were leaked and I have already forgotten her name.
 But people will not easily forget the Miss World Zimbabwe brand for its scandals. Hire a professional public relations firm to handle your issues and stop being a group of emotional individuals who feel if you expose someone then you look better. It all stinks.

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