Monday 15 June 2015

He uses JUJU!!! Woman who charges hubby $100 per round OPENS UP!

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The case in which a Harare woman allegedly demanded US$100 per round of sex with her husband has opened a can of worms with the two accusing each other of using Juju. If you missed the story read it here

Rudo Vhito came forward to say her erstwhile husband, Lloyd Nyamutswa,32, had a penchant for using Juju to enhance his business which resulted in the breakdown of their marriage.

Lloyd has last week claimed that Rudo was claiming US$100 per single session of sex. He also claimed that Rudo had demanded a car for her so bear him a second child.

Lloyd however said it was Rudo who had brought charms into their home and they had tried to surrender the juju to a prominent local prophet but later on settled for someone else who then burnt the charms.

They both confirmed that they used to have a lucrative transport business, which Lloyd claimed went bust because of Rudo’s mismanagement of funds.

Rudo said it was the exposure of the Juju which made the business collapse. “For the past five years, Lloyd ordered me not to open one of his suitcases that contained a claypot (hari) with charms that he used in his transport business. 

“Manje ndakazorivhura sutukesi rake takanetsana ndikapwanya chihari chaivemo and from there business rake rakabva radhakwa zvekuti atove beggar now.

“I decided to move out of the marriage although I am still staying at his house he left for our child’s sake,” claimed Rudo.

Rudo said she has found Mr Right whom she refused to identify saying the one Lloyd suspected wasn’t the one she is now married to. “I have found someone I love and I feel more for him than Lloyd who was after gaining material health through the use of goblins and charms which have now turned against him,” said Rudo

Lloyd fingered Rudo for the Juju and said she was the one who had brought it into their home. “Rudo brought the Juju into the house. She brought some rapoko, different cloths, bakatwa(wooden Handle, African Scabbard dagger), where there was my underwear and R1 coin.

“We agreed to take them to the Prophet but we could not get help. I then consulted another person who then burnt the charms.” said Lloyd

He said Rudo had mismanaged their business until they got insolvent. Lloyd refuted claims that they had separated insisting they were still together. “If you come to our place, you will see her underwear that she washed this morning,”said Lloyd.

Rudo said she was not amused by Lloyd’s claims that she charged for sex, fuming he was tarnishing her reputation,”Kana ndiwewo, anonyanyoiwanepi mari yekubhadhara maround matatu kana maviri husiku hwose. KuEpworthkumabooster vachiita dollar for two chigwishu(short time)

“Lloyd has been approaching my relativs including my brother for reunion but I am no longer interested in living with him as my husband. We separated some time ago abut now he is desperate, brewing falsehoods in-order to discourage my current husband but I tell you he has not been moved by such malicious allegations that he paid to have sex with him.

“I suspect that he is now of questionable sanity and believe that juju rake ndorakumupengesa. Its better for him to visit his relatives in Rusape for a better life.

“He tried to lure me by buying me a Samsung S4 cellphone but I told him that it is better to use kambudzi kangu pane kutakuriswa zvikwambo zvake.

“He has stopped so low to uncover his private life to the extent of telling lies to the nation. Anyadzisa mwana wake nekumhanya kumapepa.

“Nekupisa kuri kuita zvinhu muZim, where do you find a man who pays such ridiculous amounts of money for sex, worse to his wife? Ngaaite mushe Lloyd. I am highly blessed and trying to tarnish my image does not remove the annointing.

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