Thursday 3 September 2015

‘75% likely to be unable to pay school fees’

Shingirayi primary school children in Mbare could not hide their smiles during break time on the first day of the first term yesterday
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A RECENT survey on Zimbabwean households has shown that about 75% of households, who participated in the study said they were likely to be unable to pay school fees, as the economic situation deteriorated.

This was revealed by the executive director of the Poverty Reduction Forum (PRF) Judith Kaulem, who said a basic needs basket (BNB) survey conducted for the month of July showed accessibility of services such as education by urban dwellers continued to dwindle.

Kaulem attributed the continued floundering poverty levels to failure of the ruling party’s economic blueprint, the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Social and Economic Transformation (ZimAsset) to produce the desired results to eradicate poverty.

“Around 75% of the households who participated in the survey reflected that they were more unable to pay school fees,” Kaulem said. Read more at newsday

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