Monday 28 December 2015

King Shaddy pays lobola for long time girlfriend Sabina

King Shaddy
Dancehall artist king Shaddy married his lover in Highfield on Boxing Day. Born Shadreck Kwarire,the chanter made a visit to his old place of residence accompanied by his relatives in Engineering ,Highfield.

He was mobbed by his fans ,who even requested for the song Machira Chete.

However ,King Shaddy was not there to entertain but to pay lobola for his long time sweetheart,Sabina Nyangani.The ceremony took place whilst his fans were waiting outside.

 On being formally introduced to his in-laws,King Shaddy dashed into his car and sped off. He did not have time for interviews either.

“Yeah what you heard is true ,Excuse me for some minutes I want to rush somewhere with my aunt and come back for the interview,” he said.

Sabina was happy the ceremony went well.

“Yes King Shaddy paid lobola today to my parents and I am now his wife according to custom,”she said while shying away from the camera.

Source-H metro

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