Wednesday 16 December 2015

Macheso makes DRAMATIC U-Turn about releasing new album

Alick Macheso
HARARE – Sungura icon Alick Macheso is doubtful that he will be able to release his first album since 2012 before the Christmas holidays.

Despite persistent media reports suggesting the imminent release of Macheso’s long-awaited album, the sungura kingpin told the Daily News at his offices at Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex that the album is still far from complete.

“There are a lot of reports on my forthcoming album. People are entitled to their opinions but the truth is that it is also my wish to release the album before the Christmas holiday but I do not see myself beating that deadline.

“The album is still far from perfect. I still need time to work on it. Kana Mwari atendera ndinogona kubuditsa (God permitting the album will be out) before Christmas but ummmmn,” the Madhawu singer said.

The veteran musician added that when the album is finally released, the news will spread like the death of a prominent member of society.

“Chinovanzwa urwere not rufu. Kana ndaburitsa album iri hazvivanzike zvinoita kunge rufu rwemunhu anoremekedzwa, munhu wese anobva aziva.” (The news of the release of my album will reach everyone because it will spread like the news of the death of a prominent member of society),” he said.

Macheso added that releasing albums during the festive season was no longer a priority. “Recording companies used to push volumes during the festive season but this is no longer the case due to piracy.

“In any case, the majority of the people in this country no longer rely on salaries hence people can have money any time of the year. “Owing to this, musicians can release albums anytime of the year. Therefore there is no need to pressure myself to drop the album before Christmas,” said the Tafadzwa singer.

Meanwhile, Macheso insists that he is unaware of reports claiming that veteran music promoter Chris Musabayana attempted suicide at Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex after a concert headlined by Macheso flopped last weekend.

Despite allegations that Musabayana may have tried to take his own life near the sungura star’s office and was later hospitalised at Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Macheso claimed to be in the dark about the incident.

“Actually, I am not aware that Musabayana wanted to kill himself because the concert was not successful.

“If he really tried to kill himself because of that, he is a fool. Magitare injuga (music is a gamble), one day you win and the other day you lose; he should be aware of this by now,” he said.

Source-Daily News

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