Wednesday 16 December 2015

LEAKED:Tsvangirai’s father in law fails to pay water bill

Tsvangiri and wife
MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai’s father-in-law, Joseph Macheka has failed to pay his $11 000 water bill.

The Zimbabwe Water Authority has now sued Macheka who is also a former Zanu PF central committee member. Macheka had been sued by Zimwa back in March this year but he had then agreed to a payment plan.

According to the deed of settlement, Zinwa instituted legal proceedings against Macheka for the payment of $11 353,34 for the water supplied at Macheka’s Spring Farm, which is located off Shamva Road in Bindura.

“The defendant (Macheka) approached the plaintiff (Zinwa) and acknowledged the debt in writing and made a payment proposal which plaintiff agreed to, the defendant agreed to settle the same on the terms outlined below,” part of the deed of settlement reads.

“The parties agreed that the capital debt amount is the sum of $5 499,80 . . . the defendant acknowledged their indebtedness to plaintiff in the sum of $5 797,53 and defendant undertakes to pay plaintiff’s agreed legal costs in the sum of $900.”

The summons filed under case number HC2761/15 stated that Zinwa and Macheka entered into an agreement in terms of which Zinwa agreed to sell water to Macheka for his farming activities.

It is said pursuant to the agreement, Macheka consumed various quantities of water supplied by Zinwa and the latter issued invoices, but Macheka, in breach of the agreement, failed to pay for each invoice in full.

“As a result of the defendant’s breach, the plaintiff has unnecessarily been caused to incur legal costs to recover the sum due. The defendant should, therefore, be liable for costs of suit on an attorney and client scale,” Zinwa had claimed, but the matter was not taken further as the Zanu PF stalwart admitted liability and promised to pay.


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