Wednesday 27 January 2016

Zimbabwe running dry says Minister

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Zimbabwe is fast running dry as dams have an average capacity of 50 % which is not enough to push through to the next season, a minister has said.

The country's dams are on average 51 % full at a time when usually dams will be spilling. Underground water levels especially in cities such as Harare are also under serious threat as the water table continues to go down.

The Minister of Environment, Water and Climate, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri expressed worry that with water tables continuously going down, boreholes might dry up anytime leaving thousands of people and animals at risk.

She said water sources in all the country's seven catchment areas, namely Runde, Save, Manyame, Mazowe, Sanyati, Gwayi and Mzingwane are diminishing.

"For instance, in Mashonaland West province, there are 990 non-functional boreholes, Masvingo 1327,  Midlands 399 and Manicaland 1640. 

These are realities that we are faced with as a country and the onus is upon us to ensure we conserve water," said Muchinguri-Kashiri.

Source: Byo24News 

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