Tuesday 16 February 2016

Garikai Meets family, refuses to accept apology from his father

Before and after pixcs of Garikai
DELIVERED man of questionable insanity,Nicodimus Garikayi Zindi broke down after facing his family who visited him at Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries base in Waterfalls last Friday. 

Like biblical Joseph who was sold by his brothers to be a slave for years for years,he wept after meeting his father Judah Zindi,mother Hilda Gatakata (who is dumb),brother Petros and his sister Nyasha after seven years.

Garikayi struggled to accept an apology from his parents who separated from him when he was young.

Judah,a traditional healer,said he regrets separating with Hilda over infidelity saying the incident opened the door for the devil to attack his family and the bad omen started after he married his second wife.

“I blame myself for separating with his mother after we were blessed with three sons and two daughters,Garikayi being the second born and first son,” said Judah.

“Garikayi had a misunderstanding with my second wife after I separated with Hilda,akanera mukadzi wangu achiti hauziwepano,akapisa imba yepaneumwe musha akabva atevera kumusha kwaiva namaivake.

“I was living with him in Osborn where I was working under National Parks and Wild Life and the children had gone with Hilda. “I paid for his education and after he completed his ordinary level he joined teaching,he was very bright that is why he always speaks in English.

“Our village is in Honde Valley Zindi village and Esther’s parents live a few kilometers away from Zindi and since I was in Osborn ndakanzwa kuti Garikayi akufuka magumbu achidya sadza mumabhini and it started the day he visited my brother who is in Zindi village.

“I failed to locate Garikayi from that time and I never heard of where he was living only to receive PHD leaders visiting my place saying they have learnt from Garikayi who gave them directions.

“It shocked me and I led them to Honde Valley wher Esther was and feel humbled by what PHD members have done for my son especially Prophet Magaya who prayed for him.

“Garikayi is refusing to accept my apology and I blame myself for failing to look for him after he was carried away by evil spirits.

“I am happy to find my son alive and his life has been restored by Prophet Magaya and he is now ahead of all of us. “Prophet Magaya bought a house for him and I am looking forward to see the house in Rusape,” said Judah.

Garikayi had a heated debate with Judah,after he greeted his family,blaming him for neglecting him for the past years he lived in Rusape as a vagrant.

H-Metro is in possession of video footages of the conversation between Judah and Garikayi and PHD Overseers intervened before Prophet Magaya reunited them.

“You allowed me to live a miserable life,carrying a sack on my back,holding my life because you had seen that I was bright and today you want to give a wrong story about me,why do you hide the truth,” said Garikayi writhing in anger as his brother and sister looked on.

He finally accepted their apology and Prophet Magaya reunited them promising to hand over the house he bought along with PHD prayer partners saying the house is in Garikayi’s name.

“The devil came to steal,kill and destroy but my Lord Jesus Christ came to give life in abundancy and today accept the light that has come to give life,Garikayi was destroyed and has been restored,” said Prophet Magaya praying for them.

Judah and Petros had the opportunity to thank PHD members before the congregation and Yadah TV screened it live.

Source-H metro

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