Tuesday 16 February 2016

'You can leave my church if you disagree with me divorcing my wife' - Prophet Wutawunashe tells congregants

Prophet Wutawunashe 
PROPHET Andrew Wutawunashe has told followers against his decision to divorce his wife,Doctor Rumbidzai Wutawunashe,they are free to leave his church.

This follows recent protests messages posted by Family of God members on social media complaining about Prophet Wutawunashe divorcing his wife whom he co-founded the church with.

In a statement released by the church spokesperson,Bishop Nehemiah Chingombe said the door was open for those who are against the decision made by the church leader to leave.

“It needs to be underlined that the Prophet Andew Wutawunashe has given all the leaders and followers an opportunity to follow their conscience in deciding on continuing in the Family of God under his leadership” reads part of the statement.

 The statement also advised church members to refrain from ‘hurtful pronouncement’ as well as to keep on praying for the Wutawunashe family as they are experiencing trying times.

Some of the grievances expressed on social media by congregants were that by virtue of the divorce Dr Rumbidzai Wutawunashe was also being told to leave the church.

“TEAM Dr RF Dr RF!!!!!!Our mother back!!!!!No one should kick our Dear Dr RF Wutawunashe out of the church.She deserves her place in church. She worked for the church.”She can leave at her own will but none can chase her out.

“She is being kicked out to accommodate the concubine.Taramba navo.God intervene.We want our mother back.DR Wutawunashe back!!!!!Our mother back.Our mother back!!!!Yes our mother back,” wrote Melody Badza Chinouriri.

“Bring our mother back hatidi navo,” Sikhangelize Badza Goto.

Source-H Metro

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