Friday 12 February 2016

Women throw themselves at Garikai

Before and after - Garikai
The man rescued by Prophet Walter Magaya is getting the keys to his house tomorrow in Rusape amid reports that women are throwing themselves at him.

His relatives who shunned him for years have also crept out of the woodwork. Magaya will be in Rusape tomorrow to present Garikai Garanewako a fully furnished house and money to jump-start his new life after years of vagrancy.

Garikai who is well known in Rusape where he used to roam aimlessly in the CBD, Solo’s Bridge and Bus Terminus. He used to spend winter nights at a local supermarket in the CBD. Some residents are disputing claims that he was violent.

PHD spokesman, Overseer Admire Mango, on Monday, told The Manica Post that Garikai had regained his senses and was responding to conversations with a good command of English.

“Garikai was prayed for and delivered. He has regained his memory to last episodes of his life when he was still sane and is giving out details of his life as he is still making conversation with the servant
of God, Prophet Magaya. He is now normal and is very eloquent in English,” said Overseer Mango.

“The servant of God, Prophet Magaya will be in Rusape on Saturday to get him a lifetime present. He will present him with a house he recently acquired and currently under renovation in the town. Garikayi, like his
name suggests, is now a pretty rich man.

God has found him favour. Prophet Magaya said he had a demonic spirit and he exorcised the demons to set him free. You know what, women are flocking our premises, demanding to see and marry him now that the new
look Garikayi is dressed in smart design suits and now owns a house.

Some people are coming to us claiming to be his close relatives. He has suddenly become a celebrity and everyone wants to associate with him because of his wealth,” said Overseer Mango.

Source : Online

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