Friday 29 July 2016

President Mugabe speaks about Donald Trump

The senators said that Mugabe asked them why the US continued to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe

ZiThe senators said that Mugabe asked them why the US continued to impose sanctions on Zimbabwembabwe's President Robert Mugabe told US Senators who recently visited the country that they would regret not being friendly to him if Donald Trump was elected president in the November election.

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Senators Chris Coons and Adam Schiff told  Politico, a US political publication that they were in the country to discuss wildlife trafficking and had asked to meet the 92-year-old president out of courtesy and were surprised that he agreed to meet them.

The senators said that Mr Mugabe had asked them why the US continued to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe to which they responded with a list of reasons. 

It's then, according to Mr Coons, that Mr Mugabe said: "Once Trump is your president, you’ll wish you’d been friendlier to me.

Source: BBC Africa

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