Thursday 22 September 2016

Epworth Sangoma who uses snakes to catch criminals runs out of medicine

Pic Credit HMetro
An Epworth Malawian traditional healer who made headlines claiming that the snakes he keeps have powers to track robbers has run out of medicine. Daudi Chimela, 38, is making plans to leave the country for Lilongwe to look for more medicine saying his four snakes are now on a break following the running out of medicine.

“Many people are losing their property daily to robbers resulting in the medicine getting used up. The medicines can only be imported from Malawi,” said Daudi.

“I might leave the country for Lilongwe to collect some or else I will phone my brother who is in Malawi to bring medicine and meet him by the border so as to meet the demand for medicine here.

My snakes are on break since there is no medicine to use to track robbers, I cannot lie to my clients about claiming to do the job when the medicine is out of stock. Some healers have a tendency of giving fake medicine to their clients when they run out but I do not do that. 

I have to be honest with my clients. If my client pays my money through eco-cash the medicine will not work, he or she must come and pay the money here so as to get results. 

I never expected that I would have more customers and this is so pathetic that people are losing their property daily,” said Daudi.

H-Metro witnessed a number of people waiting to be attended to claiming that they had lost their property to robbers.

“I came with my wife to consult the traditional healer after losing our property last night and we are here to see if we can be able to recover the property,” said one of the clients waiting outside Daudi’s rented room. 

Daudi claims that he has medicine to cure various ailments and give orders to snakes to track robbers. Asked if the snakes speak to the robber, Daudi said the snakes appear in the eyes of the robber and at the same time the stolen property appears in the eyes of the robber so as to tell the robber to return the property to its owner. All this is done with the help of the medicine from Malawi.

Source-H metro

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