Friday 23 September 2016

MDC-T MP humiliated after parking in front of President's offices

Image result for MDC-T legislator Eric Murai

MDC-T legislator Eric Murai who was arrested for parking in front of President Robert Mugabe’s office on Thursday was released after paying a fine of $20 at the Harare Central Police Station.

Lawyers representing the legislator said Murai was forced to undress by the Criminal Intelligence Organisation (CIO) agents who held him naked before handing him over to the police.

He was charged with dangerous parking. MDC-T Spokesperson Obert Gutu, in an interview with, confirmed the release of the party’s Harare Chairman.

“Murai was undressed and forced to take off his shoes by the agents at Munhumutapa offices before being taken to Harare Central Police Station where he paid a fine of $20 for the offence,” said Gutu.

“It was just an overzealous move by the officers who are trying to harass members of the opposition, but we are saying we will not be deterred by the behaviour of the Mugabe regime.”

He added: “We want it be known to the Mugabe regime that we will continue with our push until he leaves office because we cannot have his agents continue torturing our members and humiliating MDC officials. “

Murai parked in front of Munhumutapa Building while attending the High Court sentencing of four MDC-T members who were, two weeks ago, convicted of killing a police officer back in 2008.

He reportedly stopped his vehicle directly opposite the main entrance of Munhumutapa complex and parked it along the busy Samora Machel Avenue when CIO agents manning the President’s offices approached and escorted him into the building.

Meanwhile, MDC-T Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora has said that the National Electoral Reform Agenda (NERA) demonstration in Chitungwiza scheduled for Friday will go ahead.

“The demo is on as planned with or without police permission and we are not going to inform them about our plans anymore.

“They will only get to know about our plans through the press,” Mwonzora told reporters.

Source-New Zimbabwe

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